Important Import Information

We would like to make you aware of some important importing information that you will need to comply with, to bring POAO into Tees from April next year.


Derogations from the 24-hr pre-notification period will not be considered for the first 3 months from 30th April to 31 July 2024. However, no financial penalties will be incurred as long as imports are notified prior to arrival. Derogations will be considered after this time and agreements made based on data from April to July. Please note that where a derogation is agreed, failure to notify according to your derogation may incur additional fees and charges.

Fees and charges

Our fees and charges are agreed at our March Board Meeting and will be published on our website once they have been approved.

Important: Your imports will NOT be released from Port Health detain until all fees and charges have been paid for. If you require release of your containers prior to arrival and once checks have been completed, we suggest you set up a pre-pay contract with us. This allows you to deposit funds with us and we draw down from those funds each time we carry out any official controls on your goods; you will be notified each time funds are withdrawn, and you will receive a statement and invoice for information each month. You will also be reminded when funds are low, you choose the low fund reminder amount and who you want emails sent to. If you wish to set this up, please contact us and we will forward a copy of a blank contract for you to consider.

Should you wish to discuss any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to set up a Teams meeting to discuss your requirements.